API Reference

Data Protection PlusProfile System integration
Profile System integration

Data Protection Plus is in closed beta phase, only available in select regions.

This feature is part of VTEX Shield. If you are already a VTEX customer and want to adopt VTEX Shield for your business, please contact Commercial Support. Additional fees may apply. If you are not yet a customer but are interested in this solution, please complete our contact form.

The Profile System is VTEX's single source of truth regarding shoppers' profile data for stores using Data Protection Plus. Other modules, such as Checkout and Order Management, can request data from the Profile System when necessary.

The Profile System API enables stores to:

  • Communicate with a single source of truth for shoppers' data.
  • Safely store PII and sensitive information.

Below you can learn more about some of the Profile System's features and how to integrate with the APIs.

Data stored in the new Profile System is not related to documents saved in Master Data v1 or Master Data v2. The API endpoints and features described in this article only apply to documents registered in the new Profile System designed to handle PII data architecture.

Before you begin


To use the Profile System features, ensure you have the appropriate License Manager resources enabled for that user.

Profile SystemDocumentsGet ItemGet items in Profile System entities
Profile SystemDocumentsSave and Update ItemEdit items from Profile System.
Profile SystemDocumentsDelete ItemDelete items from Profile System.

Learn more about License Manager roles and resources.


You can use the Audit app to check actions made using the Profile System in your account.

See the table below to learn more about the Profile System events available on Audit.

ActionDescriptionEvent details
GetAddressUnmaskedRetrieval of an unmasked address.Address ID.
GetAddressVersionUnmaskedRetrieval of an unmasked address by ID and version.Address ID and version ID.
GetContactsUnmaskedRetrieval of unmasked contact information.Contact ID.
GetContactsVersionUnmaskedRetrieval of unmasked contact information by ID and version.Contact ID and version ID.
GetInvoiceSubjectUnmaskedRetrieval of unmasked invoice subject information.Invoice subject ID.
GetInvoiceSubjectVersionUnmaskedRetrieval of unmasked invoice subject information by ID and version.Invoice subject ID and version ID.
GetPickupInfoUnmaskedRetrieval of unmasked pickup point information.Pickup point ID.
GetPickupInfoVersionUnmaskedRetrieval of unmasked pickup point information by ID and version.Pickup point ID and version ID.
GetProfileUnmaskedRetrieval of an unmasked profile.Profile ID.
GetProfileVersionUnmaskedRetrieval of an unmasked profile by ID and version.Profile ID and version ID.
PutSchemaSchema modification.Schema ID.
ProfileSystemUserRightsDeleteDeletion of a user profile.Profile ID.


Profile System documents have a defined TTL, which means Time To Live. This means that whenever a customer creates a profile, it will be deleted after the TTL has passed from the time of its creation.

You may set a document's TTL, with the query parameter ttl allowed for requests that create or update documents.

Alternative keys

Shopper profiles and addresses are accessible via API by a unique profileId. However, it is also possible to use alternative keys. Currently, there are two allowed alternative keys:

  • email
  • document

Note that, in this context, the document field means the document number registered by the store customer.

To do this, you must replace the profileId path parameter with the key of your choice and send the name of the field that will be used in the query parameter alternativeKey.

Masked data

After registering customer information to the Profile System, such as profile and address, it will be returned as masked by the default GET requests.

There are specific endpoints from which to get unmasked data. When using those, mind this query parameter:

reasonYesStringReason for requesting unmasked data.
Masked profile example

"id": "70caf394-8534-447e-a0ca-1803c669c771",
"meta": {
"version": "abc",
"author": "e40e0b6d-0605-4fa6-8176-1d69fbaf0818",
"creationDate": "13/12/2021T00:00:00Z",
"lastUpdate": "13/12/2021T00:00:00Z"
"document": {
"firstName": "J***",
"lastName": "D**",
"email": "j***.d**@e******.c**",
"birthDate": "1925-11-17",
"document": "1**********",
"documentType": "CPF"

Unmasked profile example

"id": "70caf394-8534-447e-a0ca-1803c669c771",
"document": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "1925-11-17",
"document": "12345678911",
"documentType": "CPF"
"meta": {
"version": "abc",
"author": "e40e0b6d-0605-4fa6-8176-1d69fbaf0818",
"creationDate": "13/12/2021T00:00:00Z",
"lastUpdate": "13/12/2021T00:00:00Z"

Profile System API reference

There are several APIs you can integrate with in order to manage information regarding profiles and addresses. Below you can find some examples and links to the detailed API reference.


A profile is the main entity where a given customer’s data is stored.

Example request body for profile creation

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "1925-11-17",
"document": "12345678911",
"documentType": "CPF"

Example response when getting unmasked profile

"id": "70caf394-8534-447e-a0ca-1803c669c771",
"document": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"birthDate": "1925-11-17",
"document": "12345678911",
"documentType": "CPF"
"meta": {
"version": "abc",
"author": "e40e0b6d-0605-4fa6-8176-1d69fbaf0818",
"creationDate": "13/12/2021T00:00:00Z",
"lastUpdate": "13/12/2021T00:00:00Z"


Addresses are linked to profiles and any profile can have as many addresses as it might need. This means that a valid profileId is necessary to perform any action regarding addresses.

Example request body for address creation

"postalCode": "20200-000",
"countryName": "Brasil",
"countryCode": "BR",
"administrativeAreaLevel1": "RJ",
"locality": "Locality",
"localityAreaLevel1": "locality area",
"route": "51",
"streetNumber": "999",
"profileId": "70caf394-8534-447e-a0ca-1803c669c771"

Example response when getting unmasked address

"id": "bf82180e-cf9e-4089-9af6-ae1518555992",
"document": {
"postalCode": "20200-000",
"countryName": "Brasil",
"countryCode": "BR",
"administrativeAreaLevel1": "RJ",
"locality": "Locality",
"localityAreaLevel1": "locality area",
"route": "51",
"streetNumber": "999",
"profileId": "70caf394-8534-447e-a0ca-1803c669c771"
"meta": {
"version": "c9c44895-4589-4d0d-a28d-e0e656ca1926",
"author": "80aa79a3-aa89-4912-a20e-8ef69af19a6c",
"creationDate": "2022-01-18T18:51:34.1293829+00:00",
"lastUpdateDate": "2022-01-18T18:51:34.1293829+00:00"


Purchase information


A JSON Schema defines the structure of data stored in the Profile System. It determines, for example, which fields a profile has and their respective formats. Read Working with schemas in the Profile System for more information.

The following endpoints allow you to interact with the profile schema:

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See also
Data Protection Plus
Changes in VTEX features behavior to handle PII data
PII Data Architecture specifications
Limitations of the PII data architecture during closed beta
Data residency
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