
Basic components
Product Summary Image
Version: 2.90.1
Latest version: 2.90.1

product-summary-image is a block exported by the Product Summary app that renders the product image.

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2878,"height":1504,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":674472,"url":""}}


  1. Import the vtex.product-summary app to your theme dependencies in the manifest.json:

"dependencies": {
"vtex.product-summary": "2.x"

  1. Add the product-summary-image block as a child of the product-summary.shelf block:

"shelf#home": {
"blocks": ["product-summary.shelf"]
"product-summary.shelf": {
"children": [

  1. Then, declare the product-summary-image and configure its behavior using the props stated below.

"product-summary-image": {
"props": {
"showBadge": true,
"height": 220

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
showBadgebooleanWhether a discount badge should be displayed on the product image or not. Setting it to true will display the discount badge if there is any, while setting it to false will hide the discount badge.true
badgeTextstringText displayed on the discount badge (in case the badge is configured to be shown in the product image).undefined
showCollectionsbooleanWhether collection badges, if any, will be displayed (true) or not (false).false
displayModeenumDefines the Product Summary Image display mode. Possible values are: normal and inline.normal
placeholderstringDefines the Product Summary Image placeholder image.undefined
mainImageLabelstringobject`Matches the value defined in the imageLabel field from the Admin Catalog. Once matched, it determines which product image will be used as the main image displayed in the Product Summary component.
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":73,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Text value that matches the value defined in the imageLabel field from the Admin Catalog. Once matched, it determines which product image will be displayed when the user hovers over the product. If you set a label and no match is found, no image will be displayed during the hover. **In this case, use the hoverImage prop instead.
hoverImageobjectDefines which criteria should determine the hover image based on the product images in the Admin Catalog.undefined
widthobjectDefines the Product Summary Image width.undefined
heightobjectDefines the Product Summary Image height.undefined
aspectRatioobjectThe aspect ratio of the Product Summary Image. It defines whether the image should be displayed in a square, portrait, landscape, or another format. The prop value should follow the standard aspect ratio notation, which consists of two numbers separated by a colon. For example, you can use 1:1 for a square format or 3:4 for an upright portrait. Note that this prop will not work if you have already configured the width or height props.undefined
maxHeightobjectSets the maximum height for the Product Summary Image. Note that this prop will only work if you have already configured the width or height props.undefined
fetchprioritystringThe fetch priority hint ('high', 'low', 'auto' or 'byPosition'). The 'byPosition' option will determine if the image's fetchpriority should be high or low based on its rendering position on search result or list context. This prioritization is optimized for performance'byPosition'
  • mainImageLabel object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
labelstringText value that matches the value defined in the imageLabel field from the Admin Catalog. Once matched, it determines which product image will be displayed as the main image in the Product Summary component. If you set a label and no match is found, the main image of the product will be shown instead.undefined
labelMatchCriteriaenumCriteria for searching the image label value. It determines whether the image label should match exactly as provided or if it just needs to contain the substring anywhere in the image label. Possible values are: exact (finds the image that matches exactly the string filled in the label field) and contains (finds the first image that includes the substring filled in the label field).exact
  • hoverImage object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
criteriaenumCriteria that should determine the hover image based on the product images in the Admin Catalog. Possible values are: label (the hover image will be the one that matches the label value) and index (the hover image will be the one with the same index value).label
labelstringText string to match the desired image's label value. No image will be displayed during the hover if no match is found. Caution: This prop should only be used when the criteria prop is set to label.undefined
labelMatchCriteriaenumCriteria for searching the image label value. It determines whether the image label should match exactly as provided or if it just needs to contain the substring anywhere in the image label. Possible values are: exact (finds the image that matches exactly the string filled in the label field) and contains (finds the first image that includes the substring filled in the label field). Caution: This prop should only be used when the criteria prop is set to label.exact
indexnumberIndex number to match with the desired images. No image will be displayed during the hover if no match is found. Caution: This prop should only be used when the criteria prop is set to index.undefined
  • width object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
desktopnumberImage width for desktop users.undefined
mobilenumberImage width for mobile device users.undefined
  • height object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
desktopnumberImage height for desktop users.undefined
mobilenumberImage height for mobile device users.undefined
  • aspectRatio object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
desktopstringImage aspect ratio for desktop users.undefined
mobilestringImage aspect ratio for mobile device users.undefined
  • maxHeight object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
desktopstringImage maximum height for desktop users.undefined
mobilestringImage maximum height for mobile device users.undefined

The width, height, aspectRatio and maxHeight props use the responsive values logic.


To apply CSS customizations to this and other blocks, please refer to the Using CSS handles for store customization guide.

CSS handles
See also
Vtex.product Summary
VTEX App Store